Là Où Je Dors cover

Pedro TudelaLà Où Je Dors

Crónica 002 CD sold out

Release: 8 February 2003

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  1. Dream Seller
  2. Carrousel
  3. Walker 1
  4. Airport
  5. Desert
  6. Dance of the Giant or Maybe Alice
  7. Skying
  8. Rope Scene
  9. Figures That Fall Apart
  10. Figures That Fall Apart 2
  11. Mermaids
  12. Scarecrow
  13. Playing
  14. Là Où Je Dors [data track/quicktime]

Là Où Je Dors is a space of dreams. Built from the memory of dreams, from the physical hints and the universe of sensations from those privileged nightly moments. A creation for eight performers, on a white and uncluttered space. A sort of a transformation game, of persistent and endless repetition. The title is taken from a sentence of the text L’Espace Littéraire by Maurice Blanchot.
