Cecilia Quinteros Qadira(232)
Hannes Strobl Diffraction(231)
Kunrad Kleine Geluiden(230)
@c + Jérôme Noetinger Expansão(229)
Philippe Petit Attractive Apesanteur(228)
Miguel A. García & Coeval Laliguras(227)
Emiter Repetition and Memory(226)
Simon Whetham Successive Actions(225)
Hannes Strobl Weben Song(224)
Matilde Meireles Loop. And Again.(223)
@c Installations: CX LUX(222)
Enrico Coniglio Luci Fisse + Luci Erranti(208)
Simon Cummings 間(139)
Autodigest A Compressed History of Everything Ever Recorded, Vol. 1(006)
The collective Portuguese label Crónica has been bringing cutting edge, genre defying music since 2003 — and no signs of stopping here. Toneshift
The collective Portuguese label Crónica has been bringing cutting edge, genre defying music since 2003 — and no signs of stopping here.